Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Top Ten Herbs and Spices for a Healthier You

 Want to combat aging?   Adopt a healthy lifestyle: regular physical activity, quality sleep, healthy foods.  According to Dr. Mercola, via Dr. Oz, adding some or all of the listed herbs and spices to your cooking (at least one teaspoon) won’t merely spice up your meal...it may save your life. 

TURMERIC: Contains curcumin, guards against cancer and Alzheimer’s.

CLOVES: Cinnamon on steroids, highest in antioxidants, contains eugenol (which has mild anesthetic benefits), fights just about everything. 

CINNAMON: Contains anti-inflammatory compounds and antibiotic properties, relieves stiffness due to arthritis.

JAMAICAN ALLSPICE: Produced from the fruit of the Pimenta dioica, stimulates digestive juices, keeps blood sugar under control.

APPLE PIE SPICE (key ingredient ginger):  Helps protect against harmful bacteria and fungi, boosts the immune system, keeps your heart young.

OREGANO: Immunity booster, antioxidant properties (contains rosmarinic acid), clears out free radicals, helps to kill Candida or yeast infection, as well as fungal nail infections.

MARJORAM: Improves digestion and sleep.

SAGE: Fights inflammation caused by rheumatoid arthritis, asthma, atherosclerosis (which causes hardening of the arteries).

THYME: Can kill MSRA bacteria, extracts are used in mouthwashes to treat inflammation, and in cough drops to treat throat infections.

ITALIAN SPICE: Protects your skin cells.
Basil, the key ingredient, is loaded with antioxidants that can protect your cells from harmful free radicals, the damaging molecules that also contribute to heart disease, cancer, osteoporosis and Alzheimer's disease. 

 LINK: Dr. Oz Article on Dr. Mercola Recommendations

1 comment:

  1. The info which you had explained on the herbs and spices are really nice. This will helps us to have the generic idea regarding it, Thanks for the share...
